We are a drive-through food pantry and we need your help to run smoothly.
if you have never been to our food pantry before, the first time you come in you will need to come inside to the registration room to sign up. ask a volunteer in the parking lot where to park and where to go to register. thank you!
Because space is limited and we would like to avoid creating traffic jams,
we suggest that you come according to the following schedule if at all possible:
Last names A - H: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Last names I - Q: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Last names R - Z: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
If you MUST arrive after 5pm due to working in the Springs or other circumstances,
please call us at 719-322-7610 to make sure we are still there. We will do our best to
make sure there will be a few volunteers who remain behind until 6:00pm.
PLEASE do not arrive after 6:00 pm, we will be closed.
Thank you for your cooperation! It helps us make sure everyone is taken care of,
and helps us get folks home before dark most of the year.
Are you facing a food emergency? Please call 719-322-7610.
If you are a senior, we have a special program for low income seniors that will give you an extra box of food every month! Inquire when you get there as to what the income guidelines are! Also, here is a link to a website that has information about senior nutrition!
Also here is a link to some information about senior nutrition!
https://www.caring.com/resources/nutrition-guide-for-seniors (if the link does not work, copy and paste to your browser!)
Pet Food Pantry of Teller County Hours of operation 2-5 pm on food distribution days. Please arrange in advance with them for late pick up.
Providing free pet food for your furry friends, this organization has partnered with us for many years. You can reach the Pet Food Pantry at (719)244-3969, PetFoodPantryTC@gmail.com, or their website, www.PetFoodPantryTC.com